Exterior Color Inspirations: The Brilliant & Vibrant Painted “Green” Door

The Brilliance Of A "Jeweled"  Door:  Painted Jade &  Emerald Delight
The Brilliance Of A “Jeweled” Door: Painted Jade & Emerald Delight

Green. The brilliance of a hue that represents the color of green grass, emeralds and jade. A jeweled color of distinction when coating the first impression: the exterior front door. A mix of yellow and blue brings a hue of bright, brilliant and refreshing delight to our world.

The word “Green” is derived from the Middle English and Old English word “grene”. Of interest the German word “grün” has the same root as the words grass and grow. Who knew? A bright hue of fresh delight, for certain. The first recorded use of the word as a color term in Old English dates to 700 AD. A world history that is certainly coated in green. Perhaps it was the Romans who had an even greater appreciation for the color green; green was the color of Venus, the goddess of gardens, vegetables and vineyards. Again, who knew? For certain, a coating of vibrant and energetic green adds impact and drama when coating an exterior door. Whether a bold, emerald green or the bright citron hue of cheerful delight, a painted door layered in a green hue is sure to brighten and delight those that arrive at its entry. Painted distinction, indeed…

Shades Of Muted Green On The Exterior Door
Shades Of Muted Green On The Exterior Door
Citron & "Kelly Green" Delight:  Fresh & Vivid Green Painted Doors
Citron & “Kelly Green” Delight: Fresh & Vivid Green Painted Doors
The Painted Green Door
The Painted Green Door

Consider the refreshing and lively color of green to coat the door to your interior world. A brilliant hue of rich appeal, the color green relays tranquility and harmony. Wonderful attributes to greet the world with curb appeal. Fresh appeal. A brilliant hue for the exterior, indeed…


“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises”
– Pedro Calderon de la Barca

2 thoughts on “Exterior Color Inspirations: The Brilliant & Vibrant Painted “Green” Door

  1. What wonderful photos! Though, admittedly, green is not in my color palette, I appreciate the beauty of these entrances. Makes me want to hunt down different color doors to photograph too!

    1. Thank you! But alas, I must add that not all of the photos woven throughout my blog are from behind my lens. Thank you just the same! It’s a shared world of beauty, indeed! I am delighted to inspire you to appreciate the beauty of the entrances- and even more thrilled to possibly inspire you to aim your lens at these architectural delights. There is always beauty to be found, as you have captured, too! Thanks for sharing your thoughts…

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